Have an issue? Served with Administrative Inquiry? First call FOP at 623-252-1367
For minor discipline issues, help with grievances or just general help with any issues at work feel free to the contact the local at:
Or email us at:
Part of your membership in the Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 44 includes your access to the years of experience we have within our members. We have a team of volunteers that have been trained how to help you through this process and we make it very easy.
Don’t panic! We are here to help. First, you need to decide how serious the issue is.
Know your investigators:
Criminal Investigations Unit (CIU) are the Department’s Law Enforcement Officers i.e., the Police.
Administrative Investigation Unit (AIU) are the Department’s internal affairs investigators, normally not CIU officers, BUT CAN BE.... ASK!
SERIOUS INCIDENTS: (Criminal Investigations)
If you are called into a office and there is more than one person and you don’t recognize all of the people present in the room, ASK WHO THEY ARE!
CIU/AIU should identify themselves to you if you are to subject of an investigation and they plan on interviewing you.
In a criminal investigation you have no rights to an Employee Representative (FOP) during the interview. (DO 601. & A.R.S.§38-1101) So, if you are read your Miranda Rights state only that you want your Attorney. AND THEN SHUT UP! DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ELSE! EVEN IF THEY THREATEN YOU WITH ARREST OR EVEN ARREST YOU! THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT!
At that point or when you get access to a phone call the FOP Attorneys at 602-241-0474 or 800-489-2585 (outside of Phoenix). The after hours shooting emergency number for the FOP Attorneys is 888-382-8805. Tell the person answering the phone that you are a FOP Member and need help. You should have these numbers on your FOP/ALC Plastic Card in your wallet/purse at all times. If you don't have a card, then email and request one be mailed to you.
Once you start talking to the FOP Attorneys, there is no need to call any Employee Representatives.
In fact, don’t involve any other staff members as they can be compelled to give information to investigators.
FOP has retired staff members that you can talk to if you are so inclined, call and ask to talk to them at 623-252-1367.
Keep in mind, serious Incidents have a tendency to move to Non-Serious Administrative Inquiries, because of the lack of proof of criminal activity.
Please remember, that in the normal course of duty, for performance evaluations, counseling, instruction, an informal verbal admonishment, reprimands, or other routine or otherwise unplanned contact with a supervisor or any other individual within the chain of command, you have no rights to have an FOP44 Employee Representative to be present. (DO 601. & A.R.S.§38-1101) But, you can contact an FOP44 Employee Representative after any of the above with any questions that you may have.
With that said, if you are given an Administrative Inquiry form, smile and say thanks, then DO NOT SAY ANYTHING ELSE! Don’t try to explain, complain, or try to talk your way out of it. Put it away, don’t talk to co-workers or anyone else about it. You will want to, BUT DON’T! (We even had a member get charged for telling her father at home about an Inquiry.)
You will be given FIVE working days to respond to any Administrative Inquiry. Don’t let anyone push you to turn something in without our help. One word can make or break a response. REALLY!
You will want to contact an FOP44 Employee Representative as soon as possible in a non-serious incident. First call 623-252-1367. If no one answers, don’t panic. AND LEAVE A MESSAGE! We will contact you as soon as possible.
Send us all the information. Even if you do not get to talk to someone on the phone (step two) We will want a copy of the following items sent ASAP:
Any Information report(s)
Any Supporting Documentation
The Administrative Inquiry that you were served.
If all you have is the Administrative Inquiry, that is fine. Just send that, but start looking for or requesting the other documents.
You can send the information to us in two ways.
The first is to scan the documents and email them to:
The second way is to upload the files to our on-line servers by UPLOAD HERE.
You will be contacted by an FOP44 Employee Representative. We will interview you for your response and you will be asked to write (in your own words) your own response to the Administrative Inquiry, but DO NOT TURN THAT ONE IN! You will be asked to send it to your FOP44 Employee Representative in one of the ways stated above.
Once we have reviewed your response draft, you will be contacted by a Representative who will discuss any possible changes before assisting with editing the response. Your representative will email the final draft for your approval. At this time the representative can print and provide a copy in person or you may do so yourself depending on time and location.
In the course of an non-serious (non-criminal) investigation process, you may be contacted by an AIU Investigator. Once contacted, advise the AIU Investigator that you will be requesting an Employee Representative. Provide the Investigator the name of the FOP44 Employee Representative that you have been working with. In most cases the AIU Investigator will give you a 24 hour notice of the meeting.
Some times, just to throw you off, AIU Investigators will just show up at the Unit/Office to request an interview. If that is the case, inform the investigator that you will be requesting an Employee Representative and that if he/she wishes to continue, you reserve up to two (2) hours for the Employee Representative to respond to the interview location. (DO 601. & A.R.S.§38-1101) Request to call your FOP44 Employee Representative at 623-252-1367.
The AIU Investigator will have you sign forms. READ THEM. Then sign them.
The AIU Investigator will record the interview. They will turn on the tape and announce the investigation number, your name, etc.. BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING... Ask the AIU Investigator if:
1. You are being ordered to submit a statement as a condition of employment;
2. Affirm that your statement will not and cannot be used against the you in any subsequent proceeding other than disciplinary proceedings within the Department itself;
3. Then state for all other purposes, that you reserve your 5th amendment right to remain silent;
The above is the minimum statement you want to make while they have a tape recorder running.
You must keep us informed as to any additional issues with the investigation. Employee Representatives are allowed to discuss the case with you (per the Director), even if you are advised by AIU Investigator that you are not allowed to discuss the case with anyone, this does not include Employee Representatives nor the FOP Attorneys. Most investigations are resolved within 120 days, without granted extensions. When you receive a final conclusion to the investigation, please contact us and we will help you through any Grievance steps if applicable.
© 2016 Copyright Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 44 for Corrections, Inc. • FOP & FOP Star are Copyrighted by National Fraternal Order of Police